I once viewed a documentary where an interviewee recalled his college roomate, who was from Pakistan. The Pakistani roomate told this man, "Americans' greatest fear is incovenience". How true is that?
We despise having to wait, put forth extra effort or being inconvenienced in any way. We don't want to imagine life before our modern technology, much less have to live that way.
I just finished Terri Blackstock's "Restoration Series". To make a long story short, a star explodes and sends out an EMP which shuts down all things electrical. The world is immediately thrust back into the middle of the 19th century. No electricity. No cars. No phones. No water treatment plants, so no water. No showers. You get the idea. The characters in the books have to learn to live under such conditions. And it is HARD. Hard work, that is. They eventually learn to dig a well and plant vegetables in their yards; no one has cash since the banks are inoperable so they essentially go back to the barter system. It is a fascinating read with a Christian message. By the end of the series, the biggest lesson I came away with was:
*All that really, truly matters is Christ and Him crucified*
Today's conveniences are wonderful of course and among our blessings, but are we willing to give it all up for Jesus? Obviously there are American missionaries throughout the remote parts of the world that are willing, and I commend them. But are YOU? Am I? In our comfortable homes, in front of the computer or 150+ channels? Have we ever thanked God for water that pours out of our faucets whenever we want? While we complain about gas prices, are we thankful we have a car instead of having to walk everywhere?
11 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: 12 I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. Philippians 4:11-12
Whether we flourish or perish, Christ died. The very One who spoke the world into existence, Who gives the sun its power, is also the One who loves us so much He humbled Himself to walk among us and even die for us. Nothing compares to that. Nothing else matters. We are so very blessed in so many ways. It is my prayer that I never again insult the death, burial, and resurrection of the King of Kings by complaining about my circumstances.
For another "C" topic, check out this very interesting article on the benefits of Coconut Oil!
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