Just as I did with the Spirit and the Body, I’d like to define what I mean by Mind.
Once again I refer to Noah Webster’s original 1828 dictionary:
5. The intellectual or intelligent power in man; the understanding; the power that conceives, judges or reasons.
I also like:
2. Inclination; will; desire; a sense much used, but expressing less than settled purpose; as in the common phrases, "I wish to know your mind;" "let me know your mind;" "he had a mind to go;" "he has a partner to his mind."
Ever feel like definition 5 does not apply to everyone? While we may not be able to control our intellectual ABILITY, we can control our thinking. I will never, ever, be an astrophysicist but I can make the JUDGEMENT as to whether I want to do X, Y or Z. We’ll spend more time on this later.
What do you think?
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